Sunday, April 7, 2019

The thirteenth day of the New Year festival is Sizdah-Be-dar

The thirteenth day of the New Year festival is Sizdah-Be-dar. On this day, People go on picnics in natural areas such as parks, gardens, forests and regions out of town accompanied by their family. ''Sizdah'' means thirteen and ''bedar'' means to get rid of all evil thoughts. From the ancient times, Iranian peoples have enjoyed this day that marks the end of Nowruz celebration. During their stay in Iran, Our Hong Kongese guests had a chance to experience this Iranian tradition. Thanks to Ali for accompanying this family to play outdoor games, have special food and enjoy the fresh smell of spring.

The thirteenth day of the New Year festival is Sizdah-Be-dar. On this day, People go on picnics in natural areas such as parks, gardens, forests and regions out of town accompanied by their family. ''Sizdah'' means thirteen and ''bedar'' means to get rid of all evil thoughts.
Our Hong Kongese guests had a chance to experience Sizdah Bedar tradition.

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