Monday, December 5, 2016

Chabahar's mud volcano!

Our world is full of natural miracles, hid in every corner with different climates. The southern cities and seaports of Iran, laid on the Persian Gulf’s coastline, and their wonderful islands have got a lot to offer nature lovers and adventurers.

Gel Afshan is one of the weirdest natural wonders you can explore around Chabahar Seaport, by the Oman Sea. This mud volcano is located in Bandar-e Tang, 100 kilometers drive from Chabahar. Climbing a 100-meter high hill in the middle of a vast barren, you will face a small mud lagoon which boils and extrudes cold mud bubbles every minute and creates an interesting sound! Some mud volcanos in the world are the result of volcanic eruptions in the area, but the mud volcanos of Chabahar are the result of the pressure between the oceanic crust and the ground beds. That is why the mud bubbles are not hot. This gray mud contains organic materials and minerals and the local people believe that bathing in this mud volcano can relieve Arthritis pain and cure skin disorders.

Chabahar's mud volcano.

Chabahar Seaport and its awesome natural and cultural wonders are still unexplored by many travelers who seek new destinations. The weather is quite humid with moderate air temperature during winter so a tour in this beautiful coastal land with Uppersia would be a good idea.

Chabahar's mud volcano.

Chabahar's mud volcano.

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